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Join me in my ramblings about my life, my kids, the meaning of the universe, and adopting from China.


Tuesday, October 23

Tuesady in Nanchang

All is going well. Alice is an absolute delight. We have had lots of smiles, giggles and kisses to day, and finally a poop!!! I braved thestreets of Nanchang today whilst DH and DD slept. Wow - what an eye-opener.It is smoggy, dirty, full of very funky smells and so many people. I just love it - it is so very different from my tiny little town of 25 000! Anyway, must go and hit the sack as Alice is asleep and I need to be. Thanks again for all your lovely messages,and keep checking out the photos!!


Unknown said...

Love the posts, the blog, and the new family..Thanks for sharing with us

Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...

Hey You,

I am so happy to follow your
Journey. Alice is so cute!!!
Keep the photo's comming!!!

Your Nov Pal,

Sindy ( Ladybuginnebraska)

OziMum said...

Funky smells! That is so funny!!!

Going to check out your happy snaps!

Great "poop" news!!! Alice sure is a cutie!