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Sunday, August 5

Lots and Lots of Yummy Baby Goodness!!

Mmmm, I have just been drooling over all the delicious baby photos on the RQ site - babies which were referred to their exceptionally lucky parents just last week. I am still having trouble believing that we are next. Of course, being the glass is half empty sorta gal that I am, I have pretty much convinced myself that something will go wrong and we will miss out again. That our file has gotten lost, that there has been a mix up with our log in date, that SOMETHING BAD might happen. I really need to relax a bit I think... Anyway, I get a great amount of vicarious pleasure from looking at these gorgeous babes, and dreaming of when it will be out turn. Roll on September!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

I've got everything crossed for you that nothing bad happens and that you get your referral next month :-) And I'm sure nothing will get in the way of your referral - its just last minute nerves!!! Get industrial quantities of chocolate in - that always helps me lol

Janet (gertiesquidge on RQ)