We had to have our lovely old yellow lab put to sleep this afternoon. The tumour in her mouth had become so large that her teeth were falling out, and she was in pain despite the pain medication she was on. We are all so very sad - she was a truly lovely dog, a loyal friend and a part of our family. We will miss her terribly....
My Big Girl went to a sleepover last night for her friend Angela's birthday. Sleepover is a term used too lightly, I think, when you combine half a dozen pre-teens, some movies and a whole lot of party food. When I picked her up today after lunch she announced that the party was 'really cool and we didn't go to sleep ALL NIGHT!!' Hence, this photo. Four o'clock in the afternoon, little brother and sister playing tea parties right next to her and she is out for the count. Sweet dreams baby....
Just ignore the date - silly camera decided that it was the 24th rather than the 25th!! And keep your eyes peeled for plenty of new shots from my FABULOUS new camera!!!
Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas day, wherever you are and whatever you did. We had a very busy day - up at 6.30am (big kids desperate to open the pressies) then off to church. After that we went to my Mums for more pressies, then off to Launceston to have Christmas lunch with DH's family. We had a delightful day - weather was beautiful, kids played nicely, and the food was divine!! I will try to download some pics later - have to rush now as DH and I are off on a DATE!!!! Yep, first one since Alice came home 14 months ago. The big kids are still in Launceston, having decided to have a few days with their cousins, and Alice is sleeping peacefully. Grandma is due to arrive soon to babysit and DH and I are off to the movies to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Hope that you are all well, happy and not too overindulged - enjoy your holidays!
And they were taken by ME!!! Alice just loves wearing sunglasses at the moment, especially her brother's Spiderman ones. She is also fascinated by tinsel and wants to touch, taste and wear it!!
Be prepared for an onslaught of pictures after Christmas as a little bird has told me that I am getting a new camera!!
Ah yes, what a wonderful age two can be. Although Alice hasn't quite yet reached her second birthday, she is practising her tantrum technique on a daily basis. This morning we had one in the car after leaving the park which lasted for a good twenty minutes of hysterical, snotting, screaming madness. Yuk.... Here are some pics that Big Brother took this evening of the 'I want that coffee cup and don't you dare take it away from me!!!' meltdown. Just as well she's cute.... PS- if you click on the photos they come up REALLY big and you can see Madame in all her snotty glory!!!
Honestly, this kid rocks at taking photos!! I have basically given up using the camera and letting him do all the work. He seems to have a real gift for it. Enjoy!!
It has been a very exciting weekend here in Tassie, with referrals coming in. There haven't been any in the state since OUR allocations in September last year, so everyone has been very excited. I am even more excited by the fact that all five sweet babies are from Feng Cheng, Jiangxi, just like Alice!! This means there will soon be nine Feng Cheng girls in Tassie, which is just marvellous. All the cutest babies come from FC - but I'm not biased at all, am I?? :)
Some of you may remember a post some time ago talking about our planned trip to Greece in September 2009. Well, after various searches for airfares, car hire, accommodation in Athens etc etc we have decided that it is just not going to happen. We would be looking at $13 000 for the airfares alone!!!!! My big kids have been bugging me for YEARS to go to the Gold Coast but I have resisted with every fibre of my being. It is quite commercialised, and EVERYONE in Tassie goes there on holidays!! The big attraction for the kids are the four theme parks which are located there. Anyway, after deciding that Greece was out of our reach at the moment, DH and I discussed the options and decided that we could do a couple of weeks in Queensland (including all the theme parks) for a much more reasonable sum. telling the kids was fun - they were so excited!!! I am sure they will have a blast, and I must admit, I am sort of looking forward to it now as well - the accommodation I have booked looks fab, and it is right on the beach. I may even get a tan!! Mental note- must buy some bathers....
Every year the relatives get the traditional Christmas photo of the kids. here are both the most recent one (taken just last week) and last years to compare. What a difference a year makes!!!
I think he has a bit of talent! Enjoy the pics. Oh, the ones of Alice and her Daddy are by me, and are just too cute!! We are currently incredibly busy with end of year stuff that I haven't much time to post, but promise to do something more substantial soon.
Once again, life has been hectic and I have had no time to blog!! DH has been away twice in the last week and a half to Adelaide, South Australia, as his Dad had a massive heart attack there whilst on holiday. He had a triple bypass operation on Monday and, praise God, is doing well, but it has been a stressful time. Thankfully DH will be home tonight before he heads off for Hobart on the weekend for work. Thanks to all for your kind comments about our beloved Bonnie. She seems to be doing OK - the pain meds are helping and she has her appetite back, so we are just taking things a day at a time, giving her plenty of love and spoiling her rotten. As to the photos, yes, that IS a picture of a dog wearing pink socks! Once again my big DD got hold of the camera and decided to get creative with Bella and a pair of Alice's socks. Not sure why the photo is sort of blurry around the edges, but I think it is kind of cute!