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Monday, February 11

Sunny Monday

Well, it's Monday morning and I am feeling surprisingly chipper. I have, for the first time since Alice arrived home, made it out for a walk and it felt great! Our aged labrador was incredibly excited, and whiffed and wuffled her way along the bush roads for half an hour, soaking up all the exciting doggy smells. I popped Alice in the Ergo (the best baby carrier in the world!) and we had a beautiful stroll in the early morning sunshine. Mind you, we live on the side of the hill and I must admit that my lack of fitness was beginning to show on the trek home, but thankfully the trusty aged lab pulled me up the hill and I made it back home OK.

Now onto my silly eye disease - I have had two people email me in the past 24 hours who also have AZOOR!!! This is incredible, as there are so few of us about. I have emailed both of them back and it is fantastic to be able to chat with people who are experiencing the same things. Putting the word' AZOOR' on my blog has meant that it is showing up in search engines, so I imagine this is how these ladies found me. BTW - this is, strangely enough almost an exclusively female disease. Of all the people I have corresponded with over the years since my diagnosis, only one has been male. And here's another interseting AZOOR fact - the BBC did a TV series a few years back called 'Second Sight' starring the incredibly yummy Clive Owen. In this series, Owen plays a police detective who is going blind due to, you guessed it, AZOOR!!!! And to think I was a big fan of the show before I ended up getting the dratted disease. Funny things happen sometimes don't they???.....


Nicky Strickland said...

Ah, that's what he had? (The series, not Clive *lol*). I vaguely remember enjoying that show.

I'm so glad you've connected with others in the same boat. I know for myself my email/yahoo group is one of the best things I ever did (though like 15yrs into my journey).

Woo hoo on the walk to. It's on my list of things to do - which at the rate it's growing I'll be walking a mile just to roll it up!

Good to hear you've had a Good Day!

Jeff and Amy said...

Cristina, first your Alice is just adorable, I love popping over to see her sweet face, hope you are feeling better too:) Wanted to share, we hosted two young boys from Australia a few years back in the Baseball World Series our town held. One from Brisban?? and the other from Queensland, every since their 2 week stay I have always dreamed of visiting Australia one day.... One of the young gentleman actually goes to college here in the states in New Mexico State, small world????