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Monday, April 7

News from the Zoo (where we are Taming a Tiger!)

Well, I have let almost another week glide on by without any blogging. Sorry again! I am finding that this intensive attachment-parenting program is not leaving me much time for anything, especially 'non-essentials' like the blog. Mind you, I did manage to put on makeup today with a 15 month old strapped to my chest - pretty clever huh???

The program is going really well, although it leaves me feeling very drained by the end of the day (sometimes by mid-morning...) Alice has shown some definite signs of improvement, and I believe that by the end of the six weeks we will have a completely different little girl in our midst. She is still exhibiting quite a few signs of poor attachment, but she has also made huge leaps with regard to her bonding to me. She now seems to be preferring me over DH (yay!!) and generally seems to be happier, more relaxed and just a more pleasant little human being. I can HIGHLY recommend the 'Taming the Tiger' program to anyone who is experiencing attachment problems with their bubs - feel free to email me if you want any info about it (click on my contact details for email).

Well, I must head off as Madame is asleep and the precious couple of hours that she is resting for represents my only opportunity during the day for some 'down' time so I am off to do a Sudoku and veg out until she summons me once again. Catch you all soon - and BTW, no new pics of Miss A as it is VERY difficult to take a nice photo of a baby when she is velcroed to your chest all day!!!


Jeff and Amy said...

So glad to hear things are going well and continue to do so:)

Louanne said...

tassie - as you know I am so happy that things are going well.

And I would just like you to know that she is the most stinkin' cute tiger EVER!!

Jen Boote said...

Oh Cristina - you are my hero. Good on you for going with your gut feelings. I wish someone had told me about this in my times of being worried. It must be hard - but the rewards are already coming. Praying for you....Jen