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Thursday, February 26

Warm and Fuzzy Mummy Moment

Alice and I had just spent the morning at playgroup, for the first time ever. She had an absolute blast, but was very tired by the time we got home, so bottle (bot bot) and nap were the order of the day. I made up her bottle and was carrying her down to her room. Alice decided that she really needed to have her green ball to play with. I said 'not now honey, you are going to have a nap. All you need now is your bot bot and a cuddle from Mum. That will make you happy'. She looked at me and said 'Yep, and Alice feel love too'. Wow. What profound words from a two year old. I almost cried. My broken little baby is a healed, whole little girl.


Louanne said...

Oh my gosh! That is too sweet.

mumma to many said...

That is sweet!
I know those moments are priceless!
Give her hugs
Ruth in NZ

OziMum said...

Gorgeous! I feel the love from here!!!

Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...


It was so nice to be able to look around your blog!!! Alice is a
stunning little girl and you have
a very beautiful family!!! I want
to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful fabrics and card!!! I'm going to
save the bag they came in for Hannah too!! LOVED IT!!! I wish you
lived closer, so I could hug you!

Please stay in touch!!!

Love from AZ!!

Kelly, Sindy, Allie and soon
Hannah Grace :-)