Although this blog is largely about Alice and, to a lesser extent, my two big kids, there is someone who doesn't get mentioned frequently who is really worthy of a bit of praise - my lovely husband of 13 years, D. We met almost 16 years ago whilst acting together in an ancient Greek play (Orestes by Euripides). He was a brash, handsome and somewhat wild nineteen year old law student, I was a shy, unconfident, sort dorky Classics/history student with a steady boyfriend (oops!) D was the leading man in this play, I was in the chorus, and it was (for me at least!) love at first sight. I fell head over heels with this dashing and rebellious young man who wore tight jeans, Dr Martin boots and smoked exotic French cigarettes. And I was amazed that he seemed to have an interest in me!! Needless to say, the steady boyfriend was soon discarded, and our time together began. We have had our shares of ups and downs during our time together, as most married couples do. Babies, post-natal depression, arguments, mid-life crises (mine!) and my generally mercurial moods have caused us some angst, but through all this my man has stood by me. He is an incredibly hard worker, a devoted Dad to his three children, and a wonderful, sensitive, loving and generous husband to me. He is my soul mate and my one true love and I am incredibly blessed to have him in my life. And now here's the opportunity to show off some photos - my darling husband bought me home flowers this week, for no reason other than that he sensed I was having a down day and could do with some cheering up. So here are some pictures of said flowers, and his little note that came with them. Thank you D for putting up with me and loving me even when I am being most unlovable.
Ah! Cristina....I could already sense what a wonderful guy your husband is. It's so nice to see that you are willing to 'put it out there'. So many aren't. You are blessed...and so is he.
Well you obviously deserve all this and more!
He does sound very cute!
Hug each other and be amazed about the journey that is this life!
Hugs Ruth
What a great hubby...
I agree with you... they don't get the love they deserve :)
My hubby is a sweetheart and I am a spoilt princess :)
Ah! Cristina....I could already sense what a wonderful guy your husband is. It's so nice to see that you are willing to 'put it out there'. So many aren't. You are blessed...and so is he.
Jen xx
such precious words.....
such a beautiful family.......
Wonderful flowers. And such a sweet husband.
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