After starting out rather inauspiciously with my car being ruined in an accident on Friday, the rest of the weekend went reasonably well!! Managed to get my front drivers door collected by an old geezer driving far too close to my car around lunchtime Friday, which was rather upsetting and MEGA inconvenient. He was a cranky old bugger and offended me no end by calling me 'girlie' and telling me off for wrecking HIS car (a bomby old Ford which received minor damage compared to my poor car!!) Anyway, a quick call to my insurer meant that I got a replacement car by mid afternoon, and we were all set for our weekend's adventure - a trip to Hobart to catch up with our batch mates for our two year Forever Family Day reunion. We had a blast, Alice in particular, as we met up with the other girls, compared notes, and stared in wonder at the little girls who have come SUCH a long way in the past two years. From scared, tiny and unresponsive little babies they have grown into beautiful, fun-loving, bold and happy almost three year olds with a real zest for life. We met at a playgroup hall first, then travelled onto the MeWah restaurant in Snady Bay for a yum cha lunch. I have never been there before and it was divine!! The food was exquisite, and the girls had a blast running around our private dining room. DH even decided to go all out and try the jellyfish, then the chicken's feet. Urgh....Here are a few snaps from the day - please forgive the quality, but it is REALLY hard to photograph eight busy toddlers in poor light! Oh, there are also a couple of pics from our actual Forever Family Day celbrations - a very simple affair with cake, candles and lots of fun!
PS had to do the pics as a slideshow as, for some bizzare reaons unbeknownst to me, when I uploaded them as pictures on their own they were HUGE!!!
About Me
- Cristina
- Join me in my ramblings about my life, my kids, the meaning of the universe, and adopting from China.
Looks Like a great weekend!
Hope that they continue and grow as gatherings!
Thanks for sharing hugs Ruth in NZ
It's SO lovely to have you back! The photo's look great of your time away with your travel group. It's just the most amazing gift to be able to watch these precious little children grow and develop! God bless....Jen and Ebby xx
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