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Friday, April 24

A Busy Week

Apologies for no photos this week -we have been far too busy!! And the pics I did take were rubbish and not fit to be shown to the general public! Major news for the week was Big Girl having an unscheduled trip to hospital on Tuesday night due to a lump of wood clunking her on the head. Three hours and five stitches later she was home, with a killer of a black eye. She was pretty pleased with the amount of kudos it gave her at school the next day!

Will try to take some pics on the weekend to post. Currently enjoying the wonderful rain which has been falling non-stop all day. We so need it here in drought-affected Tassie!

1 comment:

Doug and Terrye said...

I'm almost jealous of all that rain...we are drying out down here in FL. LOve your blog...the colors are so vibrant, and the faces are so sweet.

Terrye in FL